Nathalie. Cumanagoto. Venezuela. #RightsofNature

“The rights of Nature are completely interrealted with human rights. Thanks to her we exist, thanks to her we have life. - For us, since time immemorial, Nature is alive ” – Nathalie Vera, Traditional Physician, Cumanagoto, Venezuela.

Our nature has rights and this video is to add my voice to all other ancestral voices for the defense of the rights of our nature.

Hello My name is Natalie Vera, I am a descendant of the tribes Cunamanagoto Chaima of Venezuela and I am initiated in the ancestral spirituality by the masters Waxy Yawanawa from Mawa Yuxyn community in the state of Acre, Brazil and the master Miguel Tapulina Casique, from Julian Pampa community, in San Martin province in Peru. This message that I share with you is to add my voice, and the voice of my ancestors with the need for all of us to create the right of Nature, to create global right of Nature, because the rights of Nature are completely interrelated with Human Rights. Thanks to her we exist, thanks to her we have life and thanks to her our children will continue to have life. Since time inmemorial,

our nature is alive and that makes her susceptible to have rights, as human beings we not only have the duty, but the responsibility to protect her and not only human beings, human beings, corporations and governments must join together in the protection, in the protection of our Nature, in protecting the lives of all and for the future of our children


Leonard. Ogiek. Kenya. #RightsofNature


Fernando. Pijao. Colombia. #RightsofNature