Ines. Kichwa. Ecuador. #RightsofNature

“We must take care of Mother Earth. We all have this responsibility because she is our Mother. Mother Earth gives us everything. If we kill our Mother Earth, where are we and the children going to eat from, of the new generations that are coming? That is why we must live taking care and protecting Mother Nature.” – Mama Ines, Medicine Custodian and Leader, Imantag community, Kichwa, Ecuador

Good afternoon everyone, ladies and gentlemen. I come from the community of Imantag. I come today to talk to you about the rights of Mother Earth. We must take care of Mother Earth. We all have this responsibility because she is our Mother. Mother Earth gives us everything. We are hurting Mother Earth. We are killing her, because we use many medicines from the Earth. If we kill our Mother Earth, where are we and the children going to eat from, of the new generations that are coming? What are they going to eat? That is why we must live taking care and protecting Mother Nature. Thank you very much.


Jonas. Guajajara. Brazil. #RightsofNature


Yazuri. Huasteco. Mexico. #RightsofNature