Ana. Awa. Colombia. #RightsofNature

“From the cosmovision of the Indigenous peoples, health is conceived as the harmony between Mother Earth and the people who inhabit within her.” – Ana Isabel Lopez Rojas, Representative of the women's association Awa Ashampa Wamis, Awa, Colombia

I am Ana Isabel López Rojas and I belong to the Awá people, in Putumayo, Colombia. Why should we take care of the Rights of Nature? From the cosmovision of the Indigenous peoples, health is conceived as the harmony between Mother Earth and the people who inhabit within her. That is why we do not recognise Nature as an isolated entity within our own existence. On the contrary, we call her Mother Earth, which implies that it is part of our family, since she is the one that provides us with food and the one that provides us with protection. That is why if we affect Mother Earth, we are threatening our own existence. On the contrary, if we take care of her and keep her in good condition, we are guaranteeing our own existence. In the case of Indigenous peoples, not only is existence enough as a mere concept of living. This implies taking care of our identity, and also the care of our right to live in a healthy environment and to be able to develop all our cultural processes and to be able to develop all our cultural processes.


Yazuri. Huasteco. Mexico. #RightsofNature


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